Virginie B

Virginie B deco-star

Variety-Pop Jazz

Virginie B's bewitching eccentricity is matched only by her boundless creativity. The singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist offers a unique reappropriation of the codes of hyperpop, incorporating touches of nu-jazz, funk and R&B, all complemented by a refined conceptual approach inherited from pop art. Whether we're talking about staging, visual creation or research into sound textures, Virginie B exploits her wide range of talents by getting involved in every aspect of her art.

In 2024, Virginie B is working on new hyperpop songs that combine catchy melodies, stylistic experimentation and sophisticated textures with poetry that is at once introspective, profound and accessible. Her second album, Astral 2000, will be available from September 20 via Bonsound.


Le Bar à Bulles


4 Cité Veron 75018 PARIS

October 16
12:00 - 12:30

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