Smith & Oliv

Smith & Oliv deco-star

The industry dreamed of it, MaMA did it!

After a tour of some of the world's most exclusive clubs, including the prestigious Botafogo in Narbonne, Marina in Port Barcarès, Macumba in Mont de Marsan and Zanzibar in Puy en Velay, Smith and Oliv make a stopover at MaMA.

Exclusively for Europe, the hottest duo in your neck of the woods returns to the best bar on the boulevard.

To see the favorite stars of your favorite stars, go to Royal Bar on boulevard de Rochechouart, tomorrow it'll be too late to regret.

Impact 19h15.


Le Royal Bar

124 Blvd Marguerite de Rochechouart 75018

October 18
19:15 - 20:00

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