Marlene Larsen

Marlene Larsen deco-star

Rock-Metal Soft rock
Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

Growing up with one foot in French soil and the other in English clouds, Marlene Larsen is first and foremost a songwriter, a captivating storyteller, sharing her unfiltered stories with a singular, crystalline voice that meanders and always hits the mark.
Armed with brutal honesty and a great deal of self-deprecation, Marlene Larsen puts into song that small, anxious inner voice that speaks for the depths of our souls. Her music has a soft, indie-rock, 90's feel, and sounds like the phone call you make to your best friend after a revolutionary session with her shrink.
On September 15, 2023, she released her debut EP 'Galore' on Unicum Music: 5 powerful, nuanced tracks that celebrate abundance and risk-taking towards one's true self, forming a perfect introduction to her universe.


La Boule Noire


120 boulevard de Rochechouart 75018 PARIS

October 18
12:45 - 13:15

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