The word Maaar has many meanings, which feed into their creation.
Quite simply, the three A's represent the three A's in the first names of the three women. What's more, in Spanish "el mar" means "the sea". This theme will be that of water. Water is part of the history of many songs in their own repertoires.
Rebecca's song of the washerwomen will resonate with Elsa's song of the
Elsa's song of the sardinières and Charlotte's song of the shepherdess, creating a hybrid version in three languages, three experiences, three tunes.
Finally, in volcanology, a maar, which is a German term meaning "crater", is a volcanic explosion crater, sometimes filled by a lake or invaded by the sea. We find water here, but also the explosive, bubbling image of the volcano, which also corresponds very well to what the singers want to convey through their songs, and ultimately, to what their meeting represents.