
iskwé deco-star

Variété-Pop electronic

iskwé | ᐃᐢᑫᐧᐤ (short for waseskwan iskwew, meaning "blue-sky woman") is an indigenous creator. The mixed-race Cree artist retreated to southern Mexico with 10-time Grammy-nominated producer Damian Taylor (Björk, Bomba Estereo) to create her fourth solo album, n?na (Cree for "me"). The 10-song collection illustrates the harrowing rollercoaster that has been his recent life, and is an ode to deeply autobiographical elements.

iskwé has performed hundreds of shows around the world in iconic venues, including Canada's Parliament Hill, New York's Met, Reeperbahn and England's Border Crossing's Origins Festival. She is a JUNO award winner, recipient of the Johanna Metcalf Performing Arts Award and ambassador of the PRS Keychange initiative. iskwé is originally from Treaty 1 and currently spends her time in Montreal.

iskwé is pronounced iss-kwé
She is Métis Cree




12 Vla de Guelma 75018 Paris

October 16
15:45 - 16:15

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