
Carla deco-star


Carla de Coignac is a 25-year-old artist. Originally from Paris, now from Toulouse, the young singer took part in the 2018 Nouvelle Star competition. Although she didn't come out on top, she did manage to write 12 songs for two multi-award-winning artists, Louane and Mika.
In 2021, she released her first self-titled EP (6 tracks) "Carla de Coignac". It was this year, 2024, that Carla found her voiX. She decided, on a whim, to release a short composition on Instagram, and it was then that the extract from "Ils s'aimaient toujours" surpassed 2M views in less than three days. There are now over 4M views. Buoyed by this victory, Carla decided to release the track completely independently on music platforms and prepare a brand new project.


La Boule Noire


120 boulevard de Rochechouart 75018 PARIS

October 18
22:00 - 22:45

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