
Zihao JIA


Pulse Productions is a vibrant cultural brand established in Yunnan Province, China, during the spring of 2021. We are a dynamic conduit for a broad spectrum of cultural and social perspectives, driven by the principle of vitality and guided by a beacon of positivity.

Our creative portfolio includes original music, poetry, visual arts, cultural interviews, outdoor activities, and more. Our mission is to create synergy amongst a diverse range of socio-cultural and economic frequencies, celebrating the fusion of spirits and nurturing collective growth.

At Pulse Productions, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality content that has a positive impact and fosters community connections. We aim to bring people together through our enriching content, supporting shared development and enhancing collective experiences.

As founder, I bring over a decade of experience from the cultural events industry, with my main strengths in planning, management, coordination, and quality control. Pulse Productions is extremely fortunate to be supported by a dedicated team of six professionals overseeing their respective departments. Together, we have successfully promoted over 60 shows, showcased more than 30 original bands (including many international acts), and engaged with an audience of over 10,000. Our fan base has grown to over 2,000 dedicated supporters.

Under our brand Tigmi, we have achieved yet more success, with 14 shows selling out immediately upon ticket release. TigmiLive! Is the embodiment of our commitment to fostering intimate musical experiences and showcasing independent and international talent. In addition to its focus on original music, Tigmi serves as a global cross-cultural platform that explores and highlights environmental sounds and unique artistic expressions from various ethnic groups across China and other international contributors.

Pulse Productions is a dynamic and culturally rich brand that supports the advancement of perception and civilization through innovative and flexible sociocultural practices.

Zihao JIA

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